Thursday, 8 June 2017

Trip to Japan

Hello, we are Carlota and Laura and we´re making a project for class. We are planning a trip for just one person to Japan. The trip is planned to visit Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. Using 3,000 €
3,000 € in yens= 369.349,50 Yens

First I´m going to explain some things about Japan:

- It is a island nation in East Asia, located in the Pacific Ocean.
- There are plenty things to do there and really beautiful cities
- The big island and most important are: Hokkaido, Kyushu,Shikoku and Honshu.
- The president of Japan is Akihito.
- The flower of Japan is the Sakura.

Resultado de imagen de sakuraResultado de imagen de akihito

Our plan is to visit Japan from 1st of April to 2nd of May.

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