Monday, 12 June 2017

3th, 4th and 5th of April

This three days will be shopping  and free walkings in Tokyo. We will visit the Akihabara street. 
Here are some things to visit in Akihabara.

- Tokyo Anime Center: It is located in the forth floor of the UXD building. Exhibitions are made there and speeches related with the Japanese animation. 

  • Also there are many shops to visit in Akihabara. 

- Yodobashi Akiba: a really big mall and tax free.(9:30-22:00)
- Animate: where videogames and mangas are sold. (10:00-21:00)
- Comic Toranoana: a comic shop (10:00-21:00)
- Mandarake: (12:00-20:00) (especialised in Manga)
- Super Potato: a shop with 4 floors, where retro games are sold. In the last floor there is also a museum inspired in the 80´s . (11:00-20:00)
- Aso Bit city and Media Land: with 8 floors and 10 floors respectively they sell really cheap videogames.

Resultado de imagen de yodobashi akibaImagen relacionada

- Fast food


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